A Heartbreaking Goodbye Turns into an Astonishing Twist with Five Spoken Words

Deciding whether to remove life support from someone you love deeply when the chances of recovery are very low is a really tough decision.

Ryan Finley faced this difficult choice when his partner, Jill, fell into a coma. He found her unconscious and not breathing, and he did everything he could to help her until paramedics arrived. Ryan gave her CPR and hoped for a good outcome, even though he knew the odds were against them.

Paramedics managed to bring Jill back, but her heart and breathing were still weak. They rushed her to the Oklahoma Heart Hospital, where they used a special suit to lower her body temperature to try and prevent brain damage. Sadly, Jill fell into a coma despite their efforts.

Ryan never lost hope and prayed every day. But as time passed, he was told that Jill’s chances of getting better were almost impossible. The doctors asked him to think about turning off life support.

Ryan was heartbroken and wrote in his diary, “Today might be the hardest day of my life. I have to decide whether she should live or not.” He tried to imagine what Jill would want and made the tough decision to let her go.

The whole family said their goodbyes, and when they turned off the life support machine, Jill was still alive. The doctors explained that she was going through a final rally and wouldn’t die immediately.

Incredibly, at that moment, Jill started to talk. To Ryan’s amazement and sadness, she asked him to take her to one of her favorite Mexican restaurants, Melting Pot or Ted’s.

Ryan had faith that his loved one would recover, no matter how unbelievable it seemed. He was right. Jill started breathing on her own, had heart surgery, and went through rehabilitation.

Jill doesn’t remember her time in a coma but has some difficulties with her short-term memory and certain words. Despite these challenges, she’s in good health and appreciates the second chance at life.

The couple is deeply grateful to still be together, and their bond has become even stronger. Jill said, “We cherish every day, every moment, and every hour now.” This experience has made them value life even more.

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