“The cat was afraid of everyone”: Shelter volunteer found an unusual way to take the blind cat

As the cat was used to loneliness, he was afraid of people

Meet Stevie – a blind cat that ended up in an animal shelter. As the cat was used to loneliness, he was scared of everyone and didn’t eat much. Eventually Stevie made friends will all the other cats in the shelter, but was still cautious of people. This lasted until he met a volunteer named Price.

Price McIntyre found an unusual way to tame the cat. He started reading books to him. The man started with the Harry Potter books, and his method eventually showed some progress.

Apparently, most of the shelter staff are the fans of the wizard boy, and there are several items from the fantasy school from the books.

Here is another interesting detail about this Harry Potter-based shelter: the cats in the shelter are distributed to the Hogwarts Houses, so that people who come to adopt a pet can find out more about the pets.

At first, Stevie was still cautious of Price, but the volunteer still did his best and read for the cat for hours. After a week, the cat was already friendly to the man. He like to curl up next to him and listen to him read.

Price visits the cat every day. On Fridays, Price wears the Hufflepuff uniform before visiting Stevie, because the cat is enlisted to this house.

Reading has made a great impact on the cat. It helped him become more sociable and trust people. Although he is blind, Stevie still can navigate in the shelter.

And Price only needs his mother’s permission to adopt the cat and take him home. It was a tough task to tame Stevie, but it was worth it!

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