“Girl without a nose”: what does the girl who was born without a nose look like now

Parents were ready to take care of their special child

Meet Tessa! She is a 4-year-old girl from Ireland. Since the first day of her birth, Tessa was different from other children. The reason is, she was born without a nose! Her parents found out about this when the mother was still pregnant. Doctors suggested terminating the pregnancy, but the woman flatly refused. She was sure that she and her husband would be able to take care of their special child and raise her as a full-fledged human being.

Tessa’s mother believes that modern science and medicine will be able to fix the problem. By the way, the little girl has already undergone several surgeries.

Unfortunately, the last surgery affected the girl in another way: she went bling in one eye.

She will probably undergo more surgeries before she can start a normal, full life.

Currently, Tessa looks like this. She is happy and full of positive energy, despite her condition. We wish her good luck in the upcoming surgeries and happiness in her future life!

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