Lindsay Lohan’s New Look Has Become the Subject of Conspiracy Theories – What Happened

It’s no secret that the Freaky Friday star has changed a lot in recent times. Fans note her youthful appearance and toned skin. However, a famous surgeon studied the actress’s transformations and concluded that she was “abducted by aliens.”

Lindsay Lohan, 38, has been making waves at public events lately as her career has revived after years away from Hollywood. However, it’s not just her film work that’s been the subject of discussion, but her appearance as well. Lohan’s vibrant complexion has sparked debate among fans, who are trying to figure out what procedures the star may have had to achieve her stunning looks. Recently, Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Barrett said he was puzzled by Lohan’s transformation and shared a theory about what could be causing the actress’s changes in appearance.

In a video posted to his social media page, Dr. Barrett, who specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, rated celebrity plastic surgeries on a scale of 1 to 8. When asked about Lohan, he said he had no idea what the star had done.

I don’t even know if it was plastic surgery or if she was abducted by aliens, he said.

Dr. Barrett continued to try to explain Lindsay’s transformation in another video, saying she looked completely different.

I’m personally stumped. I don’t know what the hell is going on because she looks so different than she did just a couple of years ago. You know, she’s still a beautiful woman, but there are certain features that are just exaggerated. In 2024, her skin looks completely stretched. I don’t even see any nasolabial folds.

In conclusion, the doctor stated that Lohan’s eyes had become “deeper” and looked completely different.

“Her eyebrows look completely different. Her lips are smaller and thicker. Her chin looks more defined. It’s a completely different person,” Daniel concluded.

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