😳What does she have that captured the heart of one of the world’s most handsome actors🤔?

Many Hollywood couples can’t withstand the test of time.

It’s hard to imagine how difficult it must be to live in the spotlight, with every step—yours and your partner’s—being documented, not to mention the critical comments on social media.

Pierce Brosnan is known for playing the charming leading man on screen and has starred alongside many of Hollywood’s top actresses.

He is often portrayed as a real-life Casanova.

Уже четверть века Пирс Броснан восхищается своей женой, считая ее самой прекрасной и великолепной женщиной на земле. | ВКонтакте

However, behind the scenes, he is the epitome of a devoted family man and husband.

The relationship between James Bond star Pierce Brosnan and journalist, author, and TV host Keely Shaye Smith is one that we can all look up to.

After more than a quarter of a century together, this passionate couple still gazes lovingly at one another.

Their marriage shows that true love doesn’t fade, no matter the fame, age, or the changes that come with time.

Pierce and Keely have been best friends, companions, and lovers for almost 30 years.

The couple started dating in 1994 and married seven years later after meeting at a bar in Mexico.

Keely and Pierce met when she was sent to interview Ted Danson but ended up working with Pierce instead.

Their first date felt like a scene from a romantic film.

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According to Keely: “We sat under the stars, he held my hand. Fireworks exploded above us, and Kenny Loggins was singing. We talked until 3 a.m.”

“He was charming,” Keely recalled in 2001, as reported by PopSugar.

“Tall, dark, and handsome—everything that attracts anyone right away. He had that mischievous sparkle in his eyes. I thought, ‘Wow! Wow!’”

Pierce immediately realized that Keely was someone special.

“I love her vitality, her passion. She has this strength without which I couldn’t live. When Keely looks at me, I feel weak,” he said.

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Pierce and Keely romantically married in Ireland in 2001.

The original plan was to marry in 2000, but Pierce’s 16-year-old son was in a car accident in the U.S., resulting in a spinal injury, so the ceremony was delayed.

However, in the end, Pierce and Keely celebrated their dream wedding at Ashford Castle, a stunning 13th-century Irish fortress.

The couple invited 120 close friends and family to the fairytale hotel, but Pierce also funded extensive security measures to keep the media and public at bay.

Together, they raised two sons and share a passion for nature.

They work on preventing whale hunting and the destruction of marine life.

Without a doubt, Pierce and Keely have built the perfect marriage: their two sons were born shortly after the couple started dating.

Since then, Keely has continued to focus on her career while caring for their children.

Keely also helped care for Pierce’s children from his previous marriage to Cassandra Harris, who passed away from cancer in 1991.

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Before meeting Pierce, Keely was a model and actress.

In recent years, Keely’s weight has been widely discussed, especially in gossip magazines.

It’s clear that she has gained some weight, but who hasn’t as they age?

Some media speculate that Keely may have thyroid issues, but I believe her radiant beauty is undeniable.

Unfortunately, Keely often becomes the target of cruel trolls due to her changing figure.

Meanwhile, the 007 star says he still loves his “passionate” wife, who makes him “weak in the knees.”

“I found a great woman in Keely Shaye,” he said.

“If I searched a million times, I wouldn’t find anyone as good as her.”

Some tabloids estimate that Keely has gained about 30 pounds since marrying Pierce.

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