Royal drama unfolds as Queen Camilla gets steamed over Prince Harry’s surprise visit to his dad, calling it a ‘loving son PR stunt’! 😡👑 Who knew family reunions could be this spicy? 🔥
Sensational reports say Queen Camilla was very angry with Prince Harry. They say he rushed home to the UK from America when he found out his dad, Prince Charles, has cancer. But he didn’t ask permission from the palace first.
The reports claim that Camilla was behind the short meeting between Harry and Charles. They only talked for 30 minutes.
Harry flew to the UK to see his dad but wasn’t allowed to follow him to Sandringham. We don’t know what they talked about or what type of cancer Charles has.
Some rumors say Prince William didn’t want to see his brother, Harry. And Camilla was very upset with Harry’s behavior.
Reportedly, Harry asked Camilla to leave the room before talking to his dad. This made her very angry.
Camilla has been upset with Harry for years, especially because he blames her for his parents’ divorce.
After the meeting, Camilla told Harry he’s a disgrace and not welcome back.