“Kelly Osbourne and Sid Wilson’s Name Dilemma”: Should Parents Decide a Child’s Surname Together?

🎉 Big News! Kelly Osbourne shares a surprise tweak to her son Wilson’s name! Find out the big change! 💥

When Kelly Osbourne and her partner Sid Wilson had their first baby in 2022, they named him Sidney Wilson. But Kelly wasn’t happy about one thing in the name, and she couldn’t convince Sid to change it.

On a recent episode of their podcast “The Osbournes,” Kelly, who is 39, talked about a big argument she and Sid had. “I wanted our son to have both of our last names, but Sid didn’t agree,” she said. “We fought a lot about it. I felt like I had to do something I didn’t want to do, and I can’t forgive him for that, but we can move forward.”

Even though Sid wanted to use only his last name for their baby, Kelly hoped she could change his mind eventually, but it wouldn’t be easy. “After talking a lot and going to therapy together, he realized it was important to have both our last names,” she said.

“We both made our baby, so he should have both our last names,” Kelly said.

In your opinion, who should get to decide a child’s last name?

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