Cheryl Ladd – Finding Love Again with Her First Husband’s Best Friend”

Cheryl Ladd was a famous actress in Charlie’s Angels, but her marriage ended because of her work on the show. However, her first husband introduced her to the man she’s now been married to for 42 years. Their blended family is now very happy.

Cheryl Ladd was chosen to replace Farrah Fawcett in Charlie’s Angels. She felt pressure because Fawcett was beloved, but she decided to play a different character, not trying to fill Fawcett’s shoes. The show made her famous, but it also caused problems in her marriage. She divorced her first husband because the long hours and stress kept her away from him and their daughter too much.

After the divorce, Cheryl became close to her ex-husband’s best friend, Brian Russel. They got married and became a happy family with their daughters from previous relationships. Cheryl says they’re still best friends and enjoy doing things together like building houses and writing books.

Cheryl and Brian never had children together but considered it. They were happy with their blended family and spent a lot of time together.

Cheryl stopped acting in Charlie’s Angels and started doing TV movies. She’s content with her career and grateful for the experiences she’s had.

Cheryl’s daughter Jordan tried to become an actress like her mom but faced many challenges. Eventually, she found success and is happy with her life.

Cheryl is now 71, a grandmother, and still acts. She’s excited about her new movie, A Cowgirl’s Song, where she gets to sing.

Cheryl stays happy and healthy with her faith, yoga, and love for her family.

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