Kate Winslet Shines on Vogue Cover, Discusses Upcoming Film ‘Lee’ and the Inspirational Life of Lee Miller”

Kate Winslet graced the cover of the October issue of Vogue magazine, showcasing stylish looks and giving an intimate interview.

The photo shoot and interview with the actress are dedicated to the release of the new film “Lee” about the life and work of model, photographer, and Vogue war correspondent Elizabeth “Lee” Miller. The woman covered the horrors of World War II and the operation of concentration camps.

The creation of “Lee” took eight years of meticulous work.

“Lee was a woman who lived life on her own terms, and she paid a terrible emotional price for it. I wanted to tell the story of an unconventional middle-aged woman who went to war and documented it,” the actress explained.

Winslet had full control over the shooting process, from seeking financing and hiring staff to ensuring that her character closely resembled the real-life prototype. The actress revealed that she spent hours at the home of Lee Miller and her husband Roland Penrose, going through Miller’s diaries and letters, studying her contacts. She paid close attention to the costumes, which had to be identical to what Lee wore as a war correspondent. She learned to use a Rolleiflex manual-drive camera like Miller’s, and some of the shots taken by the actress were used in the film.

The biographical film “Lee,” an adaptation of Anthony Penrose’s book “The Life of Lee Miller,” starring Kate Winslet in the lead role, was presented at the Toronto Film Festival and will be released in theaters this fall.

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